Thursday, October 17, 2013

Horses & Unicorns

I forgot my camera again today.  Good thing the iOS 7 iPhone 5 camera is pretty good..!  Not what i'm used to but it will do to document my life here if it must...

This morning I woke up because I had to pee really bad in my dream...good thing I woke up.  That was at 9, and I made myself stay awake to finish writing my paper.  Which I did!  I was able to say what I wanted pretty well I think.

I got to school an hour before class, at noon, to study German with Katie.  She is majoring in German Language Education, so she loves teaching us and helping us study.  We had our MIDTERM for German today...our teacher cut us a nice break.  Let's just say he made it really easy for us, while still helping us learn.  I think we all got A's...

We got out 15 minutes early, and I ran downstairs to this cute cafe nextdoor to our school and I got a yogurt and this was a super long piece of bread with parmesan cheese in it with lots of salt and pepper and some kind of spread...maybe even just butter.  Whatever it was it was really good.

Next class was Austrian History where we were surprised to be going on a museum outing to the Imperial Palace!  It is hard to believe the emperors really WORE this stuff....all the fabrics have real gold in the stitches, so their robes were SUPER heavy.  To be honest I can't even tell you what historical things we learned.  This midterm is next week.....YIKES.

That last picture is me next to the tusk of some whale...a Narwhal?  This is a narwhal down there.  Anyways they treated this tusk as if it were a unicorn horn!!  What in the WORLD right?  Wrong, out of this world...haha a unicorn represented Christ (get it) because he can't be captured...?  That's what I got from that.  It is really cool though.

We were done with that museum at 3:30, and set free!!  We walked past the Albertina by the Spanish Riding School where the famous white horses perform a little dance thing (I personally don't understand the hype).  Vienna is famous for them.  Well Stephanie and I saw through a window where their stables were!  And we snuck in a door we weren't supposed to go in and we got to pet one of the famous horses haha!!!  We were super nervous being in there so we left quickly but now we can say we did that.

We went back to the school and organized some more train tickets.  We got our Budapest tickets all set to go, and then some of us got Prague tickets for another weekend because the price was good today.  Another group got Florence tickets figured out for next weekend (I am soooo excited for this trip).  We had to make a stop at the train station (OBB), then Monika, Stephanie, Kimber and I went to dinner (everybody else went without us 30 minutes earlier for some reason without telling us where they were we saw them finishing up eating when we sat down).  Jordan knew about this place called the Centimeter...this plate of Wienerschnitzel was 8.40!  It is more than enough for two people.  It was soooo good.  Kimber and I split this plate.  A new favorite place to eat!  And you can be sure I got a 1 Euro McSundae (hot fudge over soft vanilla...for some reason it's better here) to top it off on the way home.

Tonight was full of organizing, writing letters and postcards, buying even MORE train tickets, writing even MORE essays, sending out emails, browsing through classes for Winter semester (wow), and packing for Budapest tomorrow!  So I won't be able to post until Sunday night and it will be one big post of LOTSSSS.  Right now I am sitting on my bed eating popcorn.  My favorite food (after bacon actually).  

Life is good, and this world is amazing!!!

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