Long day at school today.
And it is getting pretty cold...rainy morning, high 40's. Wind. Sad Claire.
School from 10 - 5:30 with a 2 and a half hour break in the middle for lunch. For that break we all went to this old place where they held church long ago..we had to get a picture of us standing in front of it. That took an hour. Then I ate a Subway sandwich for lunch, then we had German and History. I paid much more attention today in German, Dad.
We are working on adjectives that take article endings. It is hard because we have to figure out first if it is a definite or indefinite article, if there's no article, or if the article is negative. Then we have to figure out if it is nominative, accusative, or dative. Then we have to figure out if the noun it is describing is masculine, feminine, neuter, or plural. That is so hard! It takes a long time to figure out, and not to mention memorizing different endings for each of those categories!!! GEEZE I hate learning another language.
History I didn't really pay attention in though. Haha. I just know we were talking about Maria Theresia's reforms...and her sons Jospeh II and Fredrick II and their reforms in Austria. Protestantism was coming through more and more at this time...French Revolution. I do not GET history. This is what I do get... y = mx + b. Hahahaha.
Out at 5:30 into the pitch darkness! I guess daylight savings happened at home too...
We stopped at the grocery store, and I bought some things for dinner and for *slightly more healthy* snacking (basically something other than chocolate to eat at nights haha).
fresh tortellini noodles mit Käse filling
fresh mozzarella ball
small jar of pesto
apple sauce!
small package of cinnamon
sleeve of cookie/cracker things
bag of pretzel chips
1.5 liters of pear wasser
Paprika cream cheese for crackers (peppers)
This was all 11 Euro...not bad!
Excuse this horrible photo I took of my food....I hold myself to a higher stand of food photos (hahaha) but I was hungry and this is what came out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Noodles + pesto + mozzarella yum.
Then I finished the rest of the mozzarella ball in the remains of my pesto sauce. YUM!
Oh, this is the necklace I bought at the Flohmarkt on Saturday from a lady with antiques. Ummmmm I'll take better pictures of this later too hahahaha. Such a disappointment today.
So on our way to the grocery store we stopped at Bipa because Caelyn and Kimber needed some hair conditioner and body wash...it is all so expensive here! I'm glad I brought a LOT...! I haven't had to buy anything like that. So good. Anyways I was looking at all the perfumes, and I found one that Mom has! And I sprayed it on my wrists and I can still smell it and it is making me miss her.
Oh and we walked into a store to look at some scarves, and there was a GARLAND with ORNAMENTS on the banister..... this made me really happy.
I miss you too, Sweetie. Sometimes I just go sit in your room and look around at your stuff. It makes me happy to be there. I love you. Mom