21 November Thursday
So "Thursday" is just another name for "time for another trip!" And tonight, at 7:33, guess where we were off to?
That's right.... ROMA.
So this train ride was a solid fourteen hours...we were scheduled to arrive in Rome at 9:30 am (tomorrow). Amy, Lexi and I were sitting together. There was another woman in our compartment...k confusing: there are six seats, three facing three, and the seats pull out into beds...but two across from each other equals one bed thing. So there are six seats...but just three beds. So any more than three people and it's gonna be a crowded night. So the three of us shared two beds which was fine...we just got really close with each other. Snugglin with legs and spooning a bunch and the sorts.
We slept surprisingly well...much better than when I went to Italy last month!! That was really rough.
Oh, and of COURSE we had a great talk for those 5 hours before falling asleep, even though the large African woman with us kept shushing us (we didn't feel bad when it was 8:00...but we started whispering when it was later, don't worry).
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