8 December Sunday
This is the wonderful little purse I got at the flea market yesterday.
Sad goodbye to Elder Abbott!! Another 15 months till he gets home! I loved being able to see him (at least) once a week. He's such a great missionary. They confirmed a sister that they baptized this week!! He's doing great work here.

We did some packing after church. . . this folder is full of SO MANY GERMAN WORKSHEETS (that we didn't really do, just used in class kinda). It is so heavy. It is all in the trash already.
Tonight we had schnitzel at the Minert's. Of course. And apfel strudel for dessert. I actually haven't had a real apfel strudel yet . . . only the ones out of the freezer. So maybe I'll do that tomorrow.
We all studied art for a bit, then we had our last Advent program on JOY, then we went around and everybody talked about their favorite parts of the last three months, plus testimonies, tears, laughs. It was great. THEN, we watched this video Stephanie is making of our trip (Monika took all the footage). It is 25 minutes long and she is still going to add to it! I'm going to give her my clips too. it was the best thing to watch. I can't even believe it. I love it so much.
Then we put mascara in Jordan's mustache.
Getting home, I had to pack! This dumb little bag was hard to zip up, but it is the perfect weight. We have to use a scale that is in kilograms, and subtract our body weight, then convert it into pounds. I hate packing, but I like getting organized with everything so. . . it isn't actually that bad.
I can't believe we are actually packing. Caelyn and I watched Now You See Me . . . which we have been saying we would watch literally since the first week were here. Hahaaaa
Our Art History final is tomorrow. I feel like I know a lot about all the art history, like how to describe the eras, I just need to memorize examples of art and architecture from each period and why they were significant. I'll get to that in the morning.
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