7 November Saturday
Today I got to go out on my own again! I LOVE VIENNA. The first thing I did was go to the Naschmarkt . . . this is the biggest flea market in Vienna. I had ONE GOAL: a leather watch. Amy got the cutest one a few weeks ago. I had no luck, though.
It was SNOWING! So after I failed at finding a watch, I went to find that shoe store. Oh, I did find a cool leather purse at the market, it is wonderful.
So the shoe store was off this random stop I've never been to, but when I got to the address I could not see a shoe store anywhere! Turns out that whole block was a mall. . . so I had to go in and find the dang place. Here are some of the guys' shoes. SO BEAUTIFUL.
For some reason I just love malls at Christmas time, even though they are over-packed and stressful, there is Christmas music playing and families and kids everywhere!! It felt like the US, haha. Santa was there and everything.
Once I got my shoes (yay!!), I headed back to Neubaugasse in the SNOW. The subway stop was by this highway, and you could go to Prague or Budapest on it, haha.
I ended up in this other mall on accident, and there was this food court, and I got the most delicious noodles!! I watched her make them: ham chunks and green onions in oil for a bit on the stove, then some creme added with salt, then the noodles, then the leaves and fresh cheese! So easy.
I went back to the fabric store for one last look. . . nothing. Sorry Jan and Mom. I wandered around that area for the rest of the day, looking in shops, passing antique stores, finding Christmas markets.
I am really going to miss these streets of Europe. Just look how pretty! I don't really notice anymore since this is what we see every day, but WOW. It is so beautiful here!

I found a Christmas market I've been looking for for like a week! Spittelberg! It was on a random street, not in a square like usual. I got some kinderpunsch. MMMMM.
I headed over by the parliament buildings, and I was planning on looking through the market at the Rathaus, but it was INSANE! So crowded! Holiday weekend! BAD IDEA! I left quick.
I warmed up at home for a little bit, and then I met up with Amy, Haley, Tanner, and Garrison at Schnitzelwirt for our last schnitzel dinner! Even though I just got soup because I was still full from lunch, it was great. The waiters there take shots while they are serving . . . so the night gets more and more interesting, haha.
We got ice cream after at our favorite place by Stephansplatz! I love these people.
I can't believe it is almost time to go home.
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